quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2013

Life has no boundaries...

"...However what it does reflect is that life is too short not to chase your dreams. If you are willing to take a risk and sacrifice everything for life and dream you desire, then why not go for it?
Life truly is too short not to chase what you desire and yearn to achieve. If it works out then it is fantastic, if not then at least you had the determination and courage to go for it. Both ways will make you a stronger person.
The grind of daily life can suffocate our ambitions and dreams. Of course, it is hard to just give up everything and go for what you want. But when the last page is turned on the book of life, it is so rewarding to look back and know that you lived the life you truly wanted to live.
Life has no boundaries, just self-imposed horizons, make them as small as you want. Just never stop reaching for the end..."

sábado, 13 de julho de 2013

sexta-feira, 5 de julho de 2013

We’re flawed because we want so much more...

When a man walks into a room, he brings his whole life with him. He has a million reasons for being anywhere, just ask him. If you listen, he’ll tell you how he got there. How he forgot where he was going. And, that he woke up. If you listen, he’ll tell you about the time he was an angel and dreamt of being perfect. And then he’ll smile with wisdom, content that he realised the world isn’t perfect. We’re flawed because we want so much more, we’re ruined because we get these things and wish for what we had...

sexta-feira, 7 de junho de 2013

Projecto presente e futuro...

Depois de muito, mas muito tempo de inactividade aqui por estes lados, apesar da vida não parar por um segundo, volto para estabelecer o ponto actual e futuro, com planos, objectivos e metas! E no fundo penso eu, será possível? Claro que sim! 

"Avizinha-se uma volta de 360°, depois de Polónia, Marrocos, Áustria.. " A verdade é que os riscos que se avizinham para os próximos tempos são enormes, pessoalmente e profissional.. voltar para o sitio de onde sempre tive como objectivo sair, é um dos maiores talvez, o segundo é a meta de ter duas empresas criadas até ao final do ano, passando por formações e cursos nos próximos meses até ao final do ano é um risco, ter a flexibilidade, destreza e persistência para saber gerir tudo muito bem e cumprir o que comigo comprometi. Acreditar é fundamental, sem qualquer tipo de duvidas, mas agir e reagir será mais! 

Afinal quem é que com esta idade se compromete a fazer tanto? Algum maluco talvez..  

quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2013

That night we can’t remember. That time we did, we went, we saw, we laughed, we felt.

This is a so long awaited post that I wanted to share with you all since I came back from one of the most important experiences in my life..  started just after Maroc in the way back to Portugal by boat and bus, and only now, after so much time, published. And all the words are few and insufficient of feelings to describe the friendships and the life-lessons that i had the possibility to earn and learn.

With the beginning of 2013 (yes three months delayed), and as one of the first post of this year it’s a good time to look back on the year… Looking back. I can’t believe that was almost seven months ago. Looking back now to what was the “summer”, to the sort period that was two months compared to a life time, looking back to all the discussions, all the good and bad days thru the camp, to the first days in the bungalows when we were all starting to know each other’s, to the remote memories watching the sunset going down in the beach near our bungalows, the soccer game versus the unknown Moroccans, the long walks, some of them alone, other’s with your pleasing companionship, the outstanding bathrooms and the cold mornings, the lack of blankets or pillows, the harm nights playing that strange games that I learned to love so much, the meaningful conversations on the porch, the adventures of catching a ride to the Morocco mall even not aware of the possible dangers of doing it and so much more that only happened in the first weeks,  it was and it is now more than ever a reminder of how big the word really is, but at the same time, how where you go and what you do is really only limited to what you can imagine and set your mind to.

This experience was an opportunity to know a new world, a new reality, a new culture, meet people with such different experiences, interests and beliefs. However, the path is not strewn with roses... You must know how to integrate, visualize, question, laugh, prepare to be ready to start. This management of feelings is extremely individual and personalized.

The following weeks in the real camp, if we call it like that, and now I believe that we can, it was, looking back, where I saw my strengths and weaknesses, the first days with motivation at its highest level and trying to do what I could to help in whatever was needed as well the effort of everyone helping in the re-birth of what seemed an abandoned camping field with at least very poor infrastructures and conditions for the so awaited arrival of the, let’s say 800 children and youth coming from different locations of Morocco and surrounding countries for a week of presentations and exchange of know-how in different areas that we wouldn’t even had thought about. And I honestly believe, especially with all the problems in the organization thru our volunteer experience that this was the key point for the true experience that would change us, the opportunity to get to know better as a group, knowing people with such different experiences, culture, interests and beliefs. I still sometime view some of the pictures from the summer camp, I wish I could back and do it all again for so many reasons! I honestly wish that in the future we all meet again….

That night we can’t remember. That time we did, we went, we saw, we laughed, we felt.

Miss you all and this was only the begining, 

sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013


"Quando somos miúdos, putos, crianças, ou lá como queiram chamar, somos lunáticos, acreditamos em tudo, cremos que somos imortais, pensamos que somos capazes de mudar o mundo, que tudo é possível, que tudo é eterno. Sonhos…vivemos deles. Com o crescimento vamos esbarrando contra várias barreiras, vários obstáculos, intransponíveis, que nos fazem ver a vida de outra perspectiva, mais realista, mais cinzenta, sem dúvida. 

Nunca perder a capacidade de sonhar é importante, viver é preciso, o sonho é só teu, só tu é que tens de acreditar nele, lutar por ele, mesmo que tudo e todos o menosprezem, mesmo que tudo e todos não acreditem. E o mais normal é que ninguém acredite mesmo, que o depreciem, é próprio do mundo cinzento, de quem deixou de acreditar e de sonhar, os ditos adultos, crescidos, realistas e fortes. Pois são, na realidade,  máquinas, autónomos, que deixaram de ter qualquer capacidade de sonhar, ficando agarrados ao medo e à segurança, quando a única garantia é que envelhecemos e depois morremos. Medo de mudar porque estamos bem assim, receio de inovar porque sempre se fez assim, pânico de investir porque podemos perder. Sentimo-nos seguros, fortes, prontos e com capacidade para as demais batalhas, já nada abala o cinzentão, nada nem ninguém. Amealha muito, trabalho e mais trabalho, o objetivo é armazenar e guardar, a segurança sempre em primeiro lugar, ter dinheiro é segurança, é o apogeu da segurança, é o vicio dos vícios dos cinzentos, amealhar e amealhar, torna-se uma obsessão, um objetivo de vida, deixando para ultimo reduto qualquer outro sentimento, qualquer outro valor. E a vida é tão curta." 

Avizinha-se uma volta de 360°, depois de Polónia, Marrocos, Áustria..